신흥종교, 이단 조심/안티-나주성모상(이단)

The Education of Catholic Church in relation to the Matter of Julia Youn of NAJU and its related Phenomena(1)

반찬이 2021. 2. 9. 17:05

Upright The Holy Mother's faith

- at the end of Mary's month -



  To all the priests, religious and laity in the Archdiocese, I wish and pray that you all know the help of and be filled with the love of Mary, Mother of the Saviour and our Mother.

  Before dying on the cross in the act of redeeming our world, our Saviour Jesus bequeathed to us his own Mother (cf. John 19, 25-27). From earliest times, the disciples of Jesus embraced Mary as their Mother. Mary was with the disciles, praying with them, as the Holy Spirit descended upon them all, just as Jesus had prmised. With this out-pouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, they were given a full understanding of the Gospel of Jesus which led them to found the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ himself (cf. Luke 1:26-38;Acts 1:12-14; Galatians 4:4-7).

  On the occasion of the Jubilee Year 2000, the Korean Church pledged to be reborn, promising both the Church and the wider society that it would greet the new millenium using the "New Day, New Life" movement as a tool that would empower the Church to assume the role of the "salt and light" in Korean society. In accord with the instruction and model outlined by the Holy Father (Remembrance and Reconciliation), the Korean Catholic church pledged "renovation and reconciliation" and thus celebrated this with the Rite of Repentance (3 December, 2000). At the same time, the Protestant tradition also pledged to be re-born, reflecting on past deficiencies and errors through a "Declaration of Theology". It was a confession of the Christian churches, both Catholic and Protestant-those who believe in and follow Jesus Christ-begging forgiveness for their past failures in this nation and society. The time has come for us to be the leaven for this society. We should greet the new Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit asking for His help.

  At times current realities are far from the spirit of the Gospel, failing so often to do the will of God. There are revelations daily of wide-spread injustices and corruption in the social, political, and economic levels of our society. Fifty percent of the population claim some religious belief. Yet we live in a corrupt society where it is difficult to distinguish the believer from the non-believer. Although the number of believers among public officials, politicians and business leaders is larger than non-believers, we can hardly discern a sincere movement for the public good or a concern about social justice that should be expected of a religious people. Furthermore, it is a fact that religious people and religious institutions are looked upon with suspicion, and judged to be merely self-interest groups. As a nation, we have been bridled by the division of our country and the cold war and our efforts at reconciliation and reunification have been compounded by party politics, the pursuit of economic profit and a certain mercenary outlook.
After hearing similar judgements in the mass media day after day, what is mentioned above will not sound like anything new. It is true that many people feel the same; saying to themselves: "things shouldn't be this way".

  In response to this feeling of public resentment, let us strive to renew ourselves, to form "faithful household" in the true sense of the word, and become a "good neighbors" so that we can work together, creating a new, more orderly, society.

  As we together try to move forward, putting our thoughts and deeds in order, Mary is our model and comes closer to us each day as our very Mother. Although the month of Mary is over, the reverence we feel towards ger never ends, We are moved to accomplish each day what we have pledged and attempted during the Month of Mary. Mary, our Mother, is our model for a New Day and a New Life. Our Lady conceived God's Word in her very body through the power of the Holy Spirit, and gave birth to the Saviour. She accompanied Jesus in his public life and was present at the foot of His Cross; she prayed with the apostles and joined them at the birth of the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  The way of Mary is also a way of redemption, but also a way of pain. In the Temple, Simeon took the child Jesus our Savior in his arms and said to his mother: "This child is chosen for the destruction and the salvation of many in Israel. This child will be a sign which many people will speak against, and sorrow, like a sharp sword, will break your own heart. But he will reveal the secret thoughts of his opponents." (JER. Bible. Luke 2:34-35). Our Holy Mother Mary journeyed with Jesus as he walked his path on earth, joining in his redemptive work of salvation of the world. Let us also accept, conceive and bear the "Word" by the power of the Holy Spirit and strive for the salvation of our world, following Her and believing in Her More deeply.

  Over the past two decades, our Holy Father has emphasized this truth of life (Cfr. Redemptoris Mater [Mother of the Saviour]1987) and Mulieris Dignitatem [The Dignity of Womanhood], 1988), and has instructed and encouraged all to overcome the Culture of Death with the Gospel of Life(1995). He also urged us to be faithful to our proper vocations. For the laity he spoke in Christifideles Laici [Lay Christians], 1988; to priests he addressed Pastores Dabo Vobis [I will send you Shepherds}, 1996; and for religious Vita Consecrata [Consecrated Life], 1996. What is the essential factor at each level of Christian life is an awareness of our unique identity based upon the Gospel.

  During the Month of Our Lady, I believe that each of you, along with the parish community have prayed much and made sacrifices, asking the intercession of Our Lady. I also believe that you have pledged a renewed life and prayed for it's fulfilment.

  As I assume the pastorate of the Archdiocese of Kwangju, I would like to first take the opportunity to recall Most Rev. Victorinus Youn, my predecessor who led this Archdiocese for a very long time. Archbishop Youn, responding to his deep-felt concerns for the Archdiocese, issued a document "On the Alleged Phenomena Arising from Mrs. Julia Youn's Statue of Our Lady and Messages which Mrs. Youn claims to have received from Her." (released on 1 January, 1998 ). He issued this document to maintain good order in the Church and to be faithful to it's teachings. I would like to emphasize again that all the faithful, and especially priests and religious, should "accept this pastoral guidance with a spirit of obedience to the Magisterium."

1. Regarding the so-called "Naju-Affair": We must be attentive lest this bring harm to the unity of Christian faith if we maintain the opinion that these phenomena were supernatural. Thus the Archdiocese forbids formally (Cf. Canon Low, No. 823,1) the production and dissemination of various public-relations materials (leaflets, publications, audio tapes, AV tapes, etc.)
connected with the so-called "NaJu-Affair" and also urges restraint of the faithful in reading or viewing those public-relations materials.
2. The Archbishop reminds all believers of the directive given to Julia Youn asking her to suspend the commemorative events held on the day her statue of the Blessed Mother allegedly shed tears of blood, and the advice not to advocate conclusively her personal experience as a supernatural phenomenon, and not to publicize the so-called "Holy Mother's Message in Naju" as a personal revelation.
These directives are all still in effect. I would advise you once more to obey the Magisterium in this regard.
3. The instruction forbidding the celebration of the Liturgy and Sacramental Eucharist at the site relating to Julia Youn remains valid in the future as well.
In addition, the Archdiocese forbids public prayer meetings (the Wold) and other public assemblies being carried out at the hall where Julia Youn's statue of the Blessed Mother is located in other related places every Thursday and first Saturday of each month. I would like to advise the faithful surrounding Julia Youn to obey the Magisterium and request that they return to their homes and live their normal christian lives.
4. The measure forbidding priests, with the exception of the parish priest in the area, to play the role of guardian for Julia Youn is still in effect. Parish priests should keep in mind particularly not to be the cause of spreading interest in the so-called "Naju-Affair" in their respective parish churches and in other organizations.

  Any individual who fails to obey the above pastoral guidance will be regarded as lacking a sense of the spirit of the Church, and laity who do not follow the pastoral advice recorded here are no longer suitable for carrying out whatever public role they may have played in the believing community. I would like to make clear as well that any religious or priest who fails to obey the Magisterium of the Church in this regard shall no longer be allowed to carry out or perform any pastoral activities in the Archdiocese of Kwangju. God grants grace to those who obey the Church in a spirit of reconciliation and unity. God provides the grace and reveals His Will due to our efforts and achievements but for our salvation. The Holy Spirit conveys to us that Our Lady treasured all those things in her heart in a situation that she dad not understand(cf. Luke 2:19, 51)

  My dear faithful, religious and clergy, let us strive to become workers for the "New Day, New Life" by fulfilling our duties and striving to keep constantly in mind the spirit of sincere prayer, the spirit of devoted sacrifice which we offered during the month of May the month of the Adolescent, the Month of the Family, and especially the Month of our Blessed Mother, Mary. Let us offer together Mary's Hymn Which the church offers each day during the Liturgy of the Hours:

"Loving Mother of the Redeemer, gate of heaven open to eternity, star of the sea,
Assist your people who have fallen to strive to rise again.
To the wonderment of nature
You bore your Creator, our Lord."

  I pray that Mary, Mother of the apostles and Mother of Peace, be always our helper and intercessor.  May God bless each and every one of you.

May 5, 2001
  Archdiocese of Kwangju  
  Archbishop   Andreas. Chang-mou CHOI