2004년도 대학원 전기 특별전형 시험문제
<석사 및 석․박사 통합과정: 전공(100점)>
※ 다음 중 10문제만 골라서 아는 대로 설명하시오.
1. 망각(기억실패)에 관한 주요 이론들
2. 확률추정의 오류와 관련된 대표성 어림법(representative heuristic)과 가용성 어림법(availability heuristic)
3. Piaget의 인지발달단계 가운데 전조작단계
4. 신뢰도와 타당도
5. 성격에 관한 특성이론과 그 비판
6. 인지부조화이론과 태도변화
7. 분할뇌(split brain) 연구
8. 조건강화물(conditioned reinforcer)
9. 지각항등성(perceptual constancy)
10. 해리장애(dissociative disorder)
11. 정신병리에 있어서 인본주의 치료
<석사 및 석․박사 통합과정: 영어(100점)>
※ 다음 글들을 해석하시오.
1. The traditional but erroneous view of Wundt is that he was a structuralist. Now there is no question that one of Wundt's goals for his laboratory work was to identify the elements of immediate conscious experience. After all, he was originally trained in medicine and physiology and had a natural penchant for classification. Thus, his experimental papers include descriptions of the basic elements of consciousness, which he decided were sensations and feelings. Furthermore, each of these elements could be further categorized along certain dimensions. Sensations, for instance, were classified according to such dimensions as quality (e.g., different colors), intensity, and duration.
Analysis and classification, however, were only minor aspects of Wundt's system, and he was relatively uninterested in them. Rather, he was more concerned with the manner in which the mind actively organizes its experiences through an act of will. He labeled his system voluntarism to reflect the active nature of the mind. A central concept of his voluntaristic system was the phenomenon of apperception, a term borrowed from the German philosopher Leibnitz. To apperceive some event is to perceive it with full clarity and have it in the focus of one's attention. As you are reading this page, for example, your full attention and focus is on this sentence and its meaning. It is being apperceived. (65점)
2. Clearly, psychology has shown enormous growth and increased specialization during the last half of the twentieth century; it is worth considering whether the field can be said to be unified in any way. At the end of the twentieth century, is there a field of psychology or are there multiple psychologies?
First, the question implies that psychology was once unified, yet it is unclear if psychology has ever been a coherent discipline. It may have approached unity in its early years, when it was trying to forge an identity separate from physiology and philosophy, but it is evident that strong disagreements existed even then. (35점)
<박사과정: 방법론(100점)>
1. 표준오차와 표준편차의 차이를 설명하시오.
2. t검증과 F검증의 차이를 설명하시오.
3. 검증력을 설명하고 실험연구에서 이를 늘리는 방안을 두 가지 이상 설명하시오.
4. 집단간 평균의 차이를 비교함에 있어서 변량분석이라는 통계기법을 사용하는 논리를 설명하시오.
5. 합동대칭성 가정을 설명하고 이것이 위배되었을 때 조치를 설명하시오.
<박사과정: 영어(100점)>
1번(50점)과 2번(30점)은 석사 및 석․박사통합의 영어문제와 동일
3. 자신이 이미 수행한 적이 있는 연구 또는 박사과정에 입학할 경우 하고자 하는 연구를 학술논문의 영문초록 스타일로 간략히 영어로 기술하시오. (20점)
2008년 전대 일반대학원 심리학과 기출문제
대략적으로 적어보았습니다.
1. 행동주의에 대해 설명하시오
2. 뇌구조
4. 지각체제화
5. Piaget 보존개념설명
6. 우울증에 관한 인지적 견해
7. Freud의 성격구조와 방어기제
8. 서술적 기억과 암묵적 기억
9. 체계적둔감화
10. 10-1. 기본적 귀인오류
10-2. 지능 유전적 지능과 000지능
영어는 MBTI랑 융 관련된거 독해 , 건강심리학 내용.
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